Friday 15 January 2010

Birds in the snow

The recent snow caused us problems but it was a matter of life or death for birds. We've kept the feeders topped up and often see more than 30 birds at a time, many of them on the snow eating the spillage from the feeders. Goldfinches are messy eaters and fling out more seed than they eat.
It was very unusual to see a goldfinch on a fat feeder. The first Brambling of the winter arrived on 1st January. A few days later I saw one of them on the snow looking very lifeless. I brought it inside and tried to warm it up. It ate some seed and after a while it became more active so I put it outside again. Sadly, late in the day, I went outside to pick up a blue-tit that had crashed into the window and found the brambling had died also.


  1. Thanks for showing these Eddie. The birds are having a hard time lately. Despite putting food out for them we don't see very many. Certainly not such exciting things as goldfinches and bramblings. Perhaps it's because we live so close to the town centre.

  2. Very interesting. I am not so fortunate in attracting so many species. I note your garden seems to back on to open fields so perhaps that is why.

  3. Interesting to see that you get Bramblings visiting you I have never spotted any in our garden. During the cold weather we have had regular visits from small parties of Long Tailed Tits which has been nice to see.
