Thursday 20 March 2014

PAGB E-News 111

You can read or download PAGB E-News 111 by clicking here.

Friday 7 March 2014

Getting Started with Lightroom

As mentioned at the SPS meeting yesterday I am willing to help our club members get started with Lightroom.  In particular covering Setting Lightroom Up, Using the Catalogue Correctly, Keywording and Metadata, Making Useful Presets for Resizing Images, Printing Presets with Profiles etc.  I am also happy to explain how to use the RAW Processor. 

This would take place during the period from the beginning of May to the end of August.  Please get in touch if you are interested.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

PAGB E-News Issue 110

Click here to read issue 110 of the e-News from PAGB. This issue brings you a great article about the PAGB by its President, Leo Rich, great pictures from the 2014 GB Cups and much more.

NCPF Website Updates

The following updates have been made to the NCPF web site since the last update message and all can be accessed via this link

1.         Home Page - In advance of the forthcoming AGM the Executive, having succeeded in filling the post of Secretary, now seeks volunteers for two more posts.

2.         International Salon

            In a major new development the International Salon Pages have moved to a new but interrelated web site, to enable access for our worldwide entrants, including yourselves, to have a more user friendly facility than was possible within the confines of the Federation site.

            The new additional URL is:-

The Northern Audio Visual Group Meeting

The Northern Audio Visual Group Meeting meets at 10 am at St. John’s Church Hall, Snods Edge, Shotley Bridge, DH8 9TJ. Guest Speakers are well known AV Workers and they will be showing their work along with techniques of how they construct their sequences.

Click here for more details.